Your source for expert information on housing in South Dakota.
Public Notice to Qualified Homebuyers - South Dakota Housing Development Authority Mortgage Credit Certificate Program
South Dakota Housing is proposing to implement a program for Mortgage Credit Certificates (“MCCs”) in South Dakota. MCCs are a form of federal income tax credits for qualified homebuyers. No sooner than 90 days following this Notice, SD Housing may issue MCCs to qualified homebuyers.
Request for Proposals for the 2024 Continuum of Care Competition
South Dakota Housing for the Homeless Consortium (SDHHC) is currently requesting pre-applications from agencies interested in providing housing opportunities to resolve homelessness for individuals and families.
South Dakota Housing Awards Joe Barb with the Friend of Housing Award
South Dakota Housing presented its “Friend of Housing” Award to Joe Barb at the annual statewide housing conference the end of June. South Dakota Housing presents the award annually to an individual who has made a commitment to affordable housing in South Dakota through their contributions, achievements and vision.
South Dakota Housing Announces Tom Kleve as Elmer D. Whitepipe Award of Excellence Recipient
South Dakota Housing’s annual housing conference included the recognition of an individual for his commitment to affordable rental housing in South Dakota. Tom Kleve, founder of Kleve Real Estate, received the award at SDH’s award luncheon the end of June.
South Dakota Housing Honors Top Loan Originators
South Dakota Housing today recognized the seven top loan originators of its homeownership loan programs.
Building Economic Growth with Infrastructure-First Strategies
Explore community planning with Steve Watson on the Housing Connection podcast! Uncover challenges in capital improvement planning, the holistic approach, and the significance of the Infrastructure First Project in South Dakota.
Notice of Public Hearing to Adopt Rules
South Dakota Housing will hold a public hearing on the proposed rules change for the Housing Infrastructure Financing Program.
West River South Dakota Housing Success Story
Discover how Cathy Evans transformed Lemmon into a housing success, turning an old beauty shop into a community space and strategically expanding housing options through innovative projects and grants.
Celebrating Success with Native American Homeownership
Chas Olson interviews Sharon Vogel on The Housing Connection, exploring the triumphs in promoting Native American homeownership and the development of South Dakota's Native residential construction industry.
2024 Statewide Homeless Count
SDHHC's annual homeless count on Jan. 23, 2024, aids in addressing homelessness. Join the virtual Town Hall on Dec. 18, 2023, to volunteer.
SD Housing Introduces Grants for Grads Program
South Dakota Housing announces the launch of home buying assistance for recent graduates
The Final Steps to Homeownership: Navigating Closing Costs
One key part of the homebuying journey that is often overlooked in consideration is closing costs. Learn how to budget, negotiate, and make informed decisions on the journey to your dream home.
Crucial Steps Every First-Time Homebuyer Should Know
Buying your first home can be a complex process, but it's also a very rewarding one. Follow these steps in our latest blog, get help from real estate pros, and confidently make your dream of owning a home come true.
Maximizing Programs for Affordable Housing Development
Explore the world of affordable housing development in South Dakota with Mark Quasney from Lloyd Companies on The Housing Connection podcast. Join the conversation on state housing programs, national trends, and the keys to success.
Notice of Public Hearing on Bond Issue - Camden Heights
South Dakota Housing will hold a public hearing on the proposed issuance of multifamily housing bonds for Camden Heights in Rapid City.
Addressing Youth Homelessness in South Dakota
Joe Barb and Joe Tielke illuminate the challenges, collaborative efforts, and success stories surrounding youth homelessness in South Dakota. Listen Now.
Applications for Housing Opportunity Fund Being Accepted
South Dakota Housing, with the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, releases the 2024 Annual Action Plan and draft allocation plans for public input.
Unpacking the Construction Techniques of the Governor's House
South Dakota's Governor's House program is revolutionizing affordable housing through innovative construction, insulation, energy efficiency, and a focus on healthy living. Discover how they're cutting homeownership costs, saving on utility bills, and minimizing long-term maintenance expenses.
Why First-Time Homebuyers Should Get Prequalified
Homeownership is a long-term commitment, so planning for your financial future is important. Consider how your home purchase fits into your overall financial goals, including retirement savings, education funds for children, and investments.