Asset Management
SD Housing / Manage Housing / Asset Management
The Rental Housing Management Division monitors all multifamily developments financed by SD Housing in order to preserve their value, ensure they maintain their affordability structure, and protect the quality of housing and supportive services.
The Housing Management Officers that perform asset management functions monitor each property financed by SD Housing, ensuring compliance with regulatory agreements, land use restrictions, management agreements, other federal requirements, as well as Authority procedures. This monitoring process is designed to provide long-term, quality affordable housing to residents and protect SD Housing's assets while simultaneously protecting our bondholder's investments.
SD Housing staff is proud of the long-term relationships we have developed with our multifamily owners and managers and are vested in the ongoing financial and physical well-being of each property in our portfolio. We are available to offer advice and ideas on topics such as marketing, supportive services, tax assessments, insurance costs, capital needs, energy efficiency, tax credit compliance issues, and the future of rental subsidy programs. We encourage our owners and managers to call on us for input on these issues and others that may arise.