Developer Training
SD Housing / Develop Housing / Developer Training
Upcoming Training Sessions
SD Housing has no training sessions scheduled at this time. Should you need something in the meantime, contact one of SD Housing's Housing Development Officers at 605-773-3181 and they would be more than happy to get something scheduled.
Past Training Sessions
SD Housing Construction and Operating Budget - June 17, 2015
For this webinar, Scott Rounds walked through the Financial Feasibility (Income and Expense) and the Project Cost and Uses sections of the application, the SD Housing pro forma, and explained how these numbers correlate. The discussion was focused on the types of expenses you will likely incur, how to ensure you have sufficient financing or income to cover these expenses, and what alternatives may exist if your proposed budget doesn’t work.
Housing Development Workshop - August 28, 2013
The following topics are discussed in these videos:
Why do we want to develop housing? Review of housing studies to determine housing need
Local Support and your key partners - Do you need to hire a developer?
Finding a site - Why is location so important?
Budgets and business plans - Why the numbers are so important
Financial resources - What is out there to help finance development costs?
Design standards - What requirements must be met?
Manage construction and occupancy and how to avoid costly mistakes
Filling out the Housing Opportunity Fund Application
Q & A