Section 811
The Section 811 Project Rental Assistance (PRA) program provides project-based rental assistance for extremely low-income persons with an intellectual or development disability, including those with a co-occurring mental illness. The program is made possible through a partnership between South Dakota Housing Development Authority (SDHDA), the Department of Human Services (DHS), the local Community Support Providers and eligible multifamily properties.
The Section 811 PRA program creates the opportunity for persons with disabilities to live as independently as possible through the coordination of voluntary services and providing a choice of subsidized, integrated rental housing options.
Tenant Eligibility
People who may benefit from this program include people with disabilities living in a nursing home, hospital, or a group home, as well as, individuals with disabilities exiting foster care.
Eligible individuals must have an intellectual or development disability as defined in Section 102(8) of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (42 U.S.C. 1502(8)), and those individuals with co-occurring conditions of intellectual or developmental disabilities and mental illnesses.
At least one person in the household, at the time of admission into the Program, must be at least 18 years of age, but less than 62 with income at or below 30% of AMI.
The individual with a disability must be eligible for community-based long-term services and supports provided under South Dakota’s plan for medical assistance under Title XIX of the Social Security Act or other comparable federal, state, or local programs.
Eligible individuals must pass a background check and cannot be subject to a lifetime Sex Offender Registration.
List Of Participating Projects:
Trinity Point, Sioux Falls
Technology Heights, Sioux Falls
Jefferson Village, Huron
Majestic Ridge, Sioux Falls
Roseland Heights, Sioux Falls
Midtown Heights, Sioux Falls
Technology Heights II, Sioux Falls
Yankton Heights II, Yankton
Denali Ridge, Pierre
Whisper Rock II, Rapid City
Property Eligibility
If you own or manage a property and have questions or would like to become a Section 811 PRA program property, call (605) 773-2463 or email Beth Todd, Project Coordinator.