SD Cares
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Housing Assistance for those financially impacted by COVID-19.
SD Housing Development Authority, Helpline Center, and partner agencies, are working to assist South Dakotans who have been impacted by COVID-19 and the related economic crisis by offering financial assistance to help stabilize their housing situation. The funding is provided to South Dakota through the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 - Emergency Rental Assistance and the American Rescue Plan. The two funding sources will vary in eligibility requirements, eligible uses and required documentation.
If you have questions about the SD CARES Housing Assistance, need help accessing your application, or require additional assistance in completing your application please call the Helpline Center at 2-1-1. The Helpline Center can also be reached via email at sdcares@helplinecenter.org.
South Dakota Housing Development Authority with local partner agencies are providing emergency housing and utility assistance for South Dakota residents through Federal COVID Stimulus funds. If you have been financially impacted due to COVID-19, the SD CARES Housing Assistance Program may provide temporary housing or utility assistance for South Dakota residents who meet all of the following criteria:
Households income qualify based on county of residence. Refer to the following links for income limits based on the type of assistance requested, you must fall below the income level listed for your county and household size: Homeowner Income Guidelines
Have one or more individuals in the household who has qualified for unemployment benefits, experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs or experienced other financial hardship due directly or indirectly to the coronavirus outbreak.
Have one or more individuals in the household that have a past due utility bill or mortgage statement or are able to prove that they are at risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability.
Step 1: Review The Frequently Asked Questions For Eligibility
Step 2: Apply For Assistance
South Dakota Housing Development Authority with local partner agencies are providing emergency housing and utility assistance for South Dakota residents through Federal COVID Stimulus funds. If you have been financially impacted due to COVID-19, the SD CARES Housing Assistance Program may provide temporary housing or utility assistance for South Dakota residents who meet all of the following criteria:
Households income qualify based on county of residence. Refer to the following link for income limits based on the type of assistance requested, you must fall below the income level listed for your county and household size: Rental Income Guidelines
Have one or more individuals in the household who has qualified for unemployment benefits, experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs or experienced other financial hardship due directly or indirectly to the coronavirus outbreak.
Have one or more individuals in the household that have a past due utility bill, rent notice or are able to prove that they are at risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability.
Step 1: Review The Frequently Asked Questions For Eligibility
Step 2: Apply For Assistance