Program Compliance
HOME Program
South Dakota Housing is the administrator for the State of South Dakota's allocation of HOME funds.
SD Housing is directly responsible for the following
Conducting management and occupancy reviews.
Adjusting contract rents.
Responding to health and safety issues.
Conducting and/or following up on the results of HOME project physical inspections.
Following up on owner monitoring and reporting efforts on deficiencies noted in tenant income matching initiatives.
Accessibility Notice: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and The Fair Housing Act and their applicability to housing programs funded by the HOME Investment Partnerships Program and the Community Development Block Grant Program.
Forms, Manuals & Resources

Section 8
South Dakota Housing Development Authority (SDHDA) is the Contract Administrator for the state of South Dakota for certain project-based Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contracts.
SD Housing Is directly responsible for the following:
Conducting management and occupancy reviews.
Adjusting contract rents.
Processing HAP contract renewals, terminations, or expirations.
Processing monthly vouchers from Section 8 owners.
Processing Special Claims
Responding to health and safety issues.
Conducting and following up on the results of Section 8 project physical inspections.
Housing Tax Credit
South Dakota Housing is the allocating agency for South Dakota's Housing Tax Credits (HTC) and conducts the ongoing compliance reviews for recipients of the Housing Tax Credits.
SD Housing Is Directly Responsible For The Following:
Conducting management and occupancy reviews.
Responding to health and safety issues.
Conducting and following up on the results of HTC project physical inspections.
Forms, Manuals & Resources

Section 504 Accessibility
What Is “Section 504”?
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (24 CFR Part 8) known as "Section 504," prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities in any program receiving Federal monies, such as the HOME Program. It governs the design and construction of housing to ensure that Federal programs are operated to be accessible to persons with disabilities and to ensure that a portion of housing developed with Federal funds is accessible to those with mobility, visual, and hearing impairments. See Section 504 Notices, Regulations, and Supportive Documents for more information.
SD Housing encourages developers, managers, and owners to follow all Federal laws governing accessibility for disabled persons.
To receive a copy of SD Housing’s Section 504 Voluntary Compliance Agreement call 1-800-540-4241.