Governor’s House Program

SD Housing / Ready To Buy? / Available Homebuyer Programs / Governor’s House Program


Affordable. Efficient. Home.

That feeling of calling someplace “home” can be a powerful thing. When that home happens to be affordably priced, energy-efficient and high-quality, all the better. South Dakota Housing’s hallmark program, the Governor’s House, offers this very feeling—a low-maintenance dwelling that’s attractive, reasonably sized and budget-friendly for those who are income-qualified.

With 3,300+ sold since 1996, it’s part of how SD Housing makes homeownership more affordable for all across the state.



Why Buy?

There are many advantages to purchasing a Governor’s House property beyond the affordable price tag—including the opportunity to live independently; the ability for community developers to group the homes into twos, threes and fours (or DakotaPlex models) to provide more affordable housing for their areas; and the structure’s energy-efficiency.



Who Qualifies?

The program was conceived to provide affordable housing, particularly to those people who are seniors, have disabilities or are low- to moderate-income. To qualify, purchasers must:

  • Make $66,570 or less in a one- or two-person household or $76,080 or less in a household of three or more

  • Have net worth of less than $125,000—or $105,000 in liquid assets—for applicants age 61 or younger

  • Have net worth of less than $250,000—or $140,000 in liquid assets—for applicants age 62 or older

  • Consider the home their only residence

  • Place the home within South Dakota

*SDHDA will be limiting developer purchases to two houses/units per 90 days.



How Can I Buy?

There are two- and three-bedroom varieties of Governor’s House properties—the two-bedroom style currently costs $75,900*, while the three-bedroom runs $89,900*. The purchaser is responsible for the following:

  • Securing a lot

  • Purchasing a building permit

  • Laying the foundation

  • Hooking up utilities

  • Providing floor coverings and appliances

Please note: due to the current production capacity, new house orders will not be ready for delivery for 24 months.

*Price subject to change—includes delivery and placement, but does not include excise and sales tax



House Features

(Products may vary depending on availability of material)

  • 24' x 42' home - 1,008 sq. ft. (Two-Bedroom House)

  • 24' x 50' home - 1,200 sq. ft. (Three-Bedroom House)

  • 2" X 6" exterior wall construction with R21 Batt insulation + R7.5 1-1/2" foam = R28.5 insulation

  • R-60 blown in fiberglass insulation in the attic

  • Vinyl traditional lap D-4 siding

  • Vinyl windows with insulated glass

  • Onyx stained, shaker styler, oak kitchen and bathroom cabinets

  • Choice of an electric forced air or gas forced air furnace

  • Air-Source Heat Pump to provide primary cooling and secondary heating

  • Unit is a 2-ton unit rated at 15 SEER/8.5 HSPF

  • Electric hot water heater

  • 1/2" sheetrock on all interior walls; 5/8" sheetrock on ceilings

  • All walls are taped, textured and painted

  • Architectural Asphalt Shingles

    • Manufacturer: Tamko

    • Series: Heritage

    • Style: Architectural

    • Color: Weather Wood

    • Warranty: Limited 30 Year Prorated

      • Limited wind up to 130 mph



Floor Plans

The beauty of Governor’s House properties is that they’re very flexible for a program that specializes in prebuilt homes—in fact, there are multiple bedroom options, varieties perfect for narrow lots and flexible front door placement.

Get to know the available floor plan options below.


Governor's House Features

Siding Colors

Alside® Vinyl Siding*

Odyssey Plus® Premium Vinyl Siding

Flagship Brown

Charcoal Smoke


Tamko® Heritage® - Weathered Wood*



*Colors may not be exact as monitor screen resolutions vary. Please visit with a Governor's House Sales Representative before ordering your house.





How Are They Built?

These beautiful, low-cost homes are built through a partnership with the Governor’s Inmate Training Program. Through an educational program at one of the state’s prisons, participating inmates can learn skills and trades in building the Governor’s House properties to prepare them for related work upon release.



Explore The Governor's House

Wish you could see what a Governor’s House property truly looks like? You’re in luck—our guided virtual tour below offers you a glimpse of a three-bedroom setup, including details on specifications, added features and handy homebuying tips.

Press the “play” button below to begin your tour—and be sure to explore other floor plans that might fit your needs.



Your Area Representative

Contact your area representative for more information

  • Brenda Nohava
    Meade/Butte/Lawrence County Housing
    Phone: (605) 347-3384

    Counties: Harding, Butte, Meade, Custer, Fall River, Lawrence, Pennington, Perkins, Oglala Lakota, Jackson, Bennett, Todd, Mellette

  • Harley Ferguson
    South Eastern Council of Governments
    Phone: (605) 681-8135

    Counties: Brookings, Lincoln, Turner, Miner, Kingsbury, Moody, Lake, Union, Minnehaha, Clay, McCook

  • Shannon Viereck
    Planning and Development District III
    Phone: (605) 260-5652

    Counties: Bon Homme, Jerauld, Yankton, Tripp, Charles Mix, Davison, Hutchinson, Sanborn, Buffalo, Brule, Aurora, Hanson, Douglas, Gregory, Lyman

  • Jim Becker or Jared Groos
    Northeast South Dakota Community Action Program (NESDCAP) dba GROW South Dakota
    Phone: (605) 897-7636 or (605) 698-7654 or (605) 698-7564
    E-mail: or or

    Counties: McPherson, Potter, Edmunds, Brown, Marshall, Day, Roberts, Campbell, Faulk, Walworth, Beadle, Hand, Spink, Grant, Codington, Clark, Hamlin, Deuel

  • Malinda Hetzel
    Central South Dakota Enhancement District
    Phone: (605) 773-2780

    Counties: Corson, Dewey, Ziebach, Haakon, Jones, Stanley, Sully, Hughes, Hyde



2025 Proposal



Frequently Asked Questions

  • The price of the two-bedroom home is $75,900, and the price of the three-bedroom is $89,900.* This includes the price of the house, transportation to your lot and placement on the foundation or basement. Additional placement charges may apply, depending upon lot location.

    *Prices subject to change and do not include applicable taxes

  • Consider the price of the lot; the cost of putting in the foundation or basement; state, city and excise taxes; water and utility hook-ups; floor coverings and appliances. Other considerations may include a survey, sidewalks, driveway, curb and gutter. A ramp may also be added at the homebuyer's expense.

  • You should finance your Governor’s House property like any other house you may purchase. Contact a local lender for financing options and information.

  • Yes—SDHDA will provide plans for a basement or footing and foundation plans for a crawlspace.

  • Yes—if placing your home on a basement, plans indicate where the stairway cutout is located.

  • The home may be placed anywhere in South Dakota.*

    *Lot must be accessible to movers.

  • Governor's House properties must be the homebuyer’s only place of residence.

  • You must live in the home for three years before you can sell the home at a profit above documented costs. If you sell the house before three years of residence, you may only recoup your initial investment.

  • Unfortunately, no. Each person/couple can only buy one such property in a lifetime. Nonprofits, however, can buy more than one for their communities, as long as the homes are sold to qualified buyers.

  • Yes—as long as this house is your only residence.

  • Anyone who meets the income guidelines is eligible to purchase a house, regardless of whether they have owned a home before or if this is the first time they are purchasing a home.

  • Yes—you can select Flagship Brown or Charcoal Smoke vinyl siding.

  • SDHDA will provide the manufacturer name and color code, so that you can purchase matching siding from a local dealer.

  • There is a crawlspace access framed in, in the back bedroom's closet floor—though it is not cut out.

  • Yes—all walls are taped, textured and painted.

  • The exterior walls are 2" x 6" studs, 16"o.c., 7/16" OSB Sheathing + 1½" XPS Insulation. The interior walls are 2" x 4" studs, 16"o.c., ½" Gypsum board.

  • The houses include R21 Batt insulation + 7/16" OSB + R7.5 1½” foam = R28.5 insulation.

  • Yes—it comes with an Air Source Heat Pump.

  • An electric hot-water heater is provided. A water softener is not included.

  • The properties also include solid wood cabinets, four telephone jacks, three cable TV hookups, five closets, two outside electrical outlets, a 30" range hood with a light, a bathroom fan, three smoke detectors and one smoke + CO2 detector. Standard light fixtures are included.


Call or e-mail Mike Harsma, Director of Single-Family Development, with your Governor's House questions.

Governor’s Daycare


About The Program

In 1997, the Governor's Daycare Facility was started to provide meaningful, technical home-building skills to prison inmates as they produced modest, low-cost homes and daycares.

The Facility puts prison inmates to work learning valuable skills while providing affordable, energy-efficient, low-maintenance daycares to communities of need. The simplified design keeps the cost of these facilities affordable.

The Governor's Daycare Facility has helped relieve problems in 70 communities by enabling families to access daycare alternatives they so desperately need to continue to work and live in the community of their choice.

Communities have also benefited. The Governor's Daycare has helped increase the tax base and has given communities new facilities from which to build better neighborhoods and needed daycares to care for their children.



Building Specs

  • 24' x 50' home - 1,200 sq. ft.

  • 6 rooms

  • One and a half baths



Who Qualifies for the Facility?

The facility may be purchased and placed in any community in South Dakota outside Sioux Falls, Rapid City, Watertown, and Aberdeen.



How to Purchase

Two Ways a Daycare Can Be Purchased

Daycare providers who are seeking to run a private daycare and are licensed or obtaining licensing.

Non-profit organizations such as economic development corporations, chambers of commerce, or non-profits are formed solely to administer a daycare or intend to lease to a licensed daycare provider.



Buyer's Responsibilities

Provide the lot. Purchase the building permit. Provide the foundation. Utility hookups and fees. Floor coverings and appliances (SD Housing will provide technical assistance for setup).

Contact your Area (listed above) if you are interested in purchasing a Governor’s Daycare.



Daycare Price


(Includes Delivery and Placement)

$89,900*, plus excise and sales tax.

*Price subject to change



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • $89,900.* This includes the price of the facility, transportation to your lot and placement on the foundation.

    *The price is subject to change.

  • The price of the lot; the cost of putting in the foundation; state, city, and excise taxes; water and utility hook-ups; floor coverings and appliances. Other considerations may include a survey, sidewalks, driveway, curb, and gutter.

  • You would finance the facility like any other business you might purchase. Contact your local lender for financing options and information. Your Local USDA Rural Development office may have lending opportunities as well.

  • Yes, SDHDA will provide plans for a basement or footing and foundation plans for a crawl space. Please contact Child Care Services for additional licensing requirements needed for daycare basements.

  • For questions regarding licensing of the facility, contact the Department of Social Services Office of Child Care Services at 1-800-227-3020.

  • It will accommodate 20 children.

  • The Governor's Daycare Facility is a 1,200 sq foot, six room, 1 and a half bath facility. The dimensions of the building are 24'x50'.