CoC Consolidated Application
SD Housing / Partners / Housing For The Homeless / Housing for the Homeless Consortium / CoC Consolidated Application
HUD allocates homeless assistance grants to organizations that participate in local homeless assistance program planning networks. Each of these networks is called a Continuum of Care (CoC). In order to access these funds, SDHHC must submit a HUD Continuum of Care Consolidated Application.
The South Dakota Housing for the Homeless Consortium is seeking proposals for the “Continuum of Care (CoC) Builds” Funding Opportunity. In South Dakota there is $12 million available for new construction, rehabilitation, or acquisition of projects that increase the supply of Permanent Supportive Housing. Permanent Supportive Housing is a project type defined by the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). All residents must, at intake be experiencing homelessness and at least one household member must have a qualifying disability.
There is a minimum ask of $1 million. South Dakota would be able to submit two proposal to HUD. Organizations will develop proposals to submit for a local competition. South Dakota Housing and Development Authority, as the Collaborative Applicant, will select which local proposals to select to HUD. One that is on tribal lands and one that is off tribal lands. Collaborative efforts are strongly encouraged for all applications. Local applications are due to CoC Admin, Joseph Tielke – joseph@sdhda.org by 5pm CST on September 13th. SDHDA will select local which local projects to submit to HUD and coordinate that application process through October and November. Final applications to HUD are due November 21st through Grants.gov.
2024 CoC Builds Competition
SD-500 -Approved FY24 & FY25 Priority Listing Application
SD-500 Approved FY24 & FY25 Collaborative Application
CoC Renewals
Cornerstone Apartments Permanent Supportive Housing
FY2024 Safe Home Grant
FY2024 Shelter Plus Care Grant
Heartland House Rapid Rehousing Program
Lewis & Clark Housing Project
Volunteers of America, Renewal Project Application FY2024
New Projects
Bridging the Resource Gap with ROCS
The Circle RISE Transitional/Rapid Rehousing
MSM Street Outreach (Youth)
Pathways to Independence Program - YHDP (PIP)
Safe Place Safe Haven Housing
System Infrastructure Grants
SD-500 CoC HMIS FY2024
SD-500 CoC Planning Application FY24
SD-500 CoC SSO CES FY 2024
YHDP SD-500 CES FY2024
Youth Homeless Demonstration Renewals
The Circle Supportive Services
The Circle Transitional Housing
LIFE (Live Independently and Flourish with Empowerment)
Oonagazi lapi kta po (“get/come to the stronghold”)
RRH/TH FY2024 Replacement YHDP
2024 CoC Consolidated Application Documents
2023 CoC Consolidated Application Documents
Bonus Applications
VOANR Rapid Re-housing Project in Western South Dakota
LIFE (Live Independently and Flourish with Empowerment)
SD-500 CoC SSO CES FY2023
SD-500 CoC HMIS FY2023
Cornerstone Rescue Mission FY23
FY 2023 4-unit S+C Grant
FY 2023 29-unit S+C Grant
FY 2023 Safe Home
Heartland House Rapid Rehousing Program
Lewis and Clark Housing Project
Youth Homeless Demonstration Renewals and Grants
STEPS Renewal 8_2023
Transitional Housing
YHDP SD-500 CES FY2023
Wambli Ska
Supportive Services Drop-In Center