Repeat Homebuyers
SD Housing / Ready To Buy? / Available Homebuyer Programs / Repeat Homebuyers
Introducing an easier way to get into your next home
You’re ready for a change and we’re here to help. Over 75,000 families have trusted us to finance their first home. Now we have a way to help repeat homebuyers get into their next home with ease – and for less money out of pocket. Ask your lender about our Repeat Homebuyer Loan Program and take advantage of this great opportunity.
Low fixed rate
Downpayment and closing cost assistance
Reduced mortgage insurance
Less paperwork
Interest Rates
For the most current interest rates, visit our interest rates page.
Income limit of less than $114,120 for a family of two or less; $133,140 for a family of three or more
Purchase price limit is $460,000
Minimum credit score of 620
See your Participating Lender for complete details

We’re here to answer your questions about the Repeat Homebuyer program, and more.
View our most frequently asked questions (FAQS).