Fix My Home
SD Housing / Available Programs / Fix My Home
Community Home Improvement Program
The Community Home Improvement Program (CHIP) provides low-interest loans for eligible borrowers to improve or repair the borrower's present single-family homes.
The interest rate for CHIP Loans is 2.9%. The total gross annual household income is a maximum of $114,120 for a household of 2 or less or a maximum of $133,140 for a household of 3 or more. CHIP Loans have level monthly payments and are amortized according to underwriting guidelines. Loan amounts and terms are determined on an individual basis.
There are no loan-to-value requirements and minimal costs associated with obtaining a CHIP Loan.
How to Apply
Contact one of SDHDA's CHIP Participating Lenders for an application and interview.
CHIP Participating Lenders
To apply for a CHIP Loan, you will need to contact a CHIP, Participating Lender. The CHIP Participating Lender will originate, process, and close the CHIP Loan. Additionally, all monthly payments will be made to this lender.
BankWest, Inc.
(800) 253-0362
CU Mortgage Direct, LLC
(605) 339-2151
Dacotah Bank
(605) 622-6325
First Fidelity Bank
(605) 775-2641
Premier Bank
f/k/a State Bank of Alcester
(605) 934-2500
Examples of Eligible and Ineligible Repairs and Improvements
Eligible | |||||
Room Additions | Garage Additions | Driveways | Kitchen Cabinets | Siding | Air Conditioning |
Fencing | Termite Control | Alterations | Flooring | Plastering | Wall Paper |
Conversions | Windows | Decks* | Heating | Roofing | Doors |
Insulations | Accessibility Updates | Hardware | Steps | Wiring | Smoke/Fire Alarms |
Radon Mitigation | Storm Doors | Storm Windows | Water Softeners | Foundations | Plumbing |
Sidewalks | Mold | Painting |
*New decks or repairs to existing ones will be allowed for safety purposes.
Ineligible | |||
Appliances | Furniture | Sprinkler Systems | Swimming Pools |
Hot Tubs | Landscaping | Patios |
HOME Homeowner Rehabilitation Program
The objective of the HOME Homeowner Rehabilitation Program is to provide funding to eligible homeowners to assist with the repair, rehabilitation or reconstruction of owner-occupied units.
Current recipients that administer HOME Homeowner Rehabilitation funds can be found here.
HOF Homeowner Rehabilitation Program
The objective of the Housing Opportunity Fund (HOF) Homeowner Rehabilitation Program is to provide funding to eligible homeowners to assist with the repair, rehabilitation or reconstruction of owner-occupied units.
Current recipients that administer HOF Homeowner Rehabilitation funds can be found here.
Discrimination Complaints
Federal law prohibits housing discrimination based on your race, color, national origin, religion, sex, family status, or disability. If you have been trying to buy or rent a home or apartment and you believe your rights have been violated, you can file a fair housing complaint. There are several ways to file a complaint:
You can file a complaint right now, by using this online form.
You can call toll-free at 1-800-877-7353.
You can print out a form, complete it, and drop it off at your local HUD office or mail it to the address below:
You can write a letter including:
Your name and address
The name and address of the person your complaint is about
The address of the house or apartment you were trying to rent or buy
The date when this incident occurred
A short description of what happened
Then mail it to the Fair Housing Hub closest to you:
Fair Housing Hub
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
1670 Broadway
Denver, Colorado 80202
(303) 672-5151
TTY (303) 672-5248

For more information, visit the HUD Website.
Energy and Weatherization Assistance
Low Income Energy Assistance - Energy Assistance helps low-income South Dakotans pay for their home heating costs.
Weatherization Assistance - The Weatherization Assistance Program is designed to help low-income South Dakota households overcome the high cost of energy by making their homes more energy-efficient.
This assistance is provided by the South Dakota Department of Social Services. To learn more about this program, visit the SD DSS website.
Legal Services of SD
The following agencies provide free legal services to income-eligible persons. Contact them directly for more information.
East River Legal Services
335 North Main Ave., Suite 200
Sioux Falls, SD 57104
(800) 952-3015
Dakota Plains Legal Services Inc.
160 Second Street
P.O. Box 727
Mission, SD 57555-0727
(800) 658-2297
Access to Justice, Inc.
222 E. Capitol Ave., #3
Pierre, SD 57501
(855) 287-3510