Your source for expert information on housing in South Dakota.
Public Notice to Qualified Homebuyers - South Dakota Housing Development Authority Mortgage Credit Certificate Program
South Dakota Housing is proposing to implement a program for Mortgage Credit Certificates (“MCCs”) in South Dakota. MCCs are a form of federal income tax credits for qualified homebuyers. No sooner than 90 days following this Notice, SD Housing may issue MCCs to qualified homebuyers.
Notice of Public Hearing to Adopt Rules
South Dakota Housing will hold a public hearing on the proposed rules change for the Housing Infrastructure Financing Program.
Notice of Public Hearing on Bond Issue - Camden Heights
South Dakota Housing will hold a public hearing on the proposed issuance of multifamily housing bonds for Camden Heights in Rapid City.
Notice of Public Hearing on Bond Issue - Americana Apartments
South Dakota Housing will hold a public hearing on the proposed issuance of multifamily housing bonds for Americana Apartments in Pierre.
Notice of Public Hearing on Bond Issue - Hidden Valley Stables
South Dakota Housing will hold a public hearing on the proposed issuance of multifamily housing bonds for Hidden Valley Stables in Sioux Falls.