SHIP Plan and Application

South Dakota Housing recognizes the investment service providers and landlords are willing to make to help individuals and families who need additional assistance in finding and maintaining permanent housing. The Sustainable Housing Incentive Program (Program) was created to provide financial resources for service providers and participating landlords to cover direct expenses related to finding and maintaining permanent housing for the “hard-to-house.”

Eligible program participants are individuals and families with a household income below 50% of area median income, per HUD standards. These households are classified as greatest risk of housing instability due to multiple barriers that may exist such as poor rental history, homelessness, formerly incarcerated, those with chronic physical or mental disabilities, chronic substance abusers, transitioning youth, or disabled veterans.

Qualified Households typically have social and economic circumstances that limit their housing opportunities. Persistent housing instability often causes these families and individuals to rely more and more on non-profit support and emergency services. SHIP seeks to be another tool for communities to break the cycle of homelessness.

The SHIP Program can provide one-time assistance and should, whenever possible, work in collaboration with other housing assistance and supportive services for households that need longer term support.


2017 SD Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice


Non-Profit Eligibility Questionnaire